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Syntax: @LookAheadReport <object>, <show as tree>, <compress>
The LookAheadReport command will display a report that 'looks ahead' through the knowledge of the object specified. The report shows only the objects/values that haven't been determined yet. The report is either shown as a series of questions or as a graphical tree, depending on the Boolean value of the <show as tree> parameter. If the <compress> parameter is set to True then the report will be refined shortening branches which lead to the same outcome.
@LookAheadReport Expenses, False, True
(where the <show as tree> parameter is set as False);
@LookAheadReport Expenses, True, True
(and where the <show as tree> parameter is set as True);
@LookAheadReport Expenses, True, True
(and where the <compress> parameter is set as True, there is only 1 Reject outcome);
@LookAheadReport Expenses, True, False
(and where the <compress> parameter is set as False, there are 3 Reject outcomes);